USB-C Cable for CAMremote

USB-C Cable with 90°/180°/Straight plug to connect CAMremote to Panasonic GH5/GH5s/GH6/S1 cameras or newer Blackmagic/Canon/Nikon/Sony cameras which have USB-C port.

Supported features: AF / Shoot / Movie / Aperture / Shutter Speed / ISO / WB / Manual Focus etc. (feature list depends of camera model)

Cable length 30 cm.

Cable with 90° plug goes left or right if plugged to USB-C jack on camera (if jack is mounted vertically on camera). Cable with 180° plug goes up or down. Cable with Straight plug comes out from USB-C jack without angle.

Note zoom control is not supported through USB on Panasonic cameras. Zoom control requires extra cable (works with motorized zoom lens only).

